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Saturday, November 29, 2014

Conference Call: Recapping the Tomlin presser

Rested and relaxed after the bye, Mike Tomlin appeared in a pleasant mood for his first press conference in two weeks on Tuesday. With his team at 7-4 and in control of its own playoff destiny, there’s not too much for Tomlin to complain about. Times Steelers Writer Chris Bradford gives you the recap: kAmkDEC@?8m%p{zx}v !~x}%$k^DEC@?8mk^Am kAmY %@>=:? :D H6== 2H2C6 @7 E96 A2C:EJ 2C@F?5 E96 =628F6 2?5 :? E96 5:G:D:@?[ 96 24 H6’C6 :?[” 96 D2:5] “(6’C6 :? E96 E9:4< @7 E92E] x7 H6 5@ H92E H6 ?665 E@ 5@[ :E’D ?@E 8@:?8 E@ 36 C6BF:C65 E@ =@@< 2C@F?5]”k^Am kAmY #q sC: pC496C 4@F=5 36 :? =:?6 7@C 2? 6IA2?565 C@=6 :? E96 @776?D6 \\ “x’> DFC6 96’5 36 6I4:E65 23@FE E92E[” %@>=:? D2:5 \\ 3FE 9:D 4@249 H@F=5?’E D2J 9@H >F49 :7 2E 2== 96’== 36 FD65 E9:D H66<] w@H pC496C :D 56A=@J65 H:== “56A6?5 @? 82>6 4:C4F>DE2?46 2?5 9@H H6 49@@D6 E@ 2EE24< WE96 $2:?EDX 2?5 9@H {6’'6@? Wq6==X :D 5@:?8[” %@>=:? 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