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Showing posts with label Conference Call. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Conference Call. Show all posts

Saturday, November 29, 2014

Conference Call: Recapping the Tomlin presser

Rested and relaxed after the bye, Mike Tomlin appeared in a pleasant mood for his first press conference in two weeks on Tuesday. With his team at 7-4 and in control of its own playoff destiny, there’s not too much for Tomlin to complain about. Times Steelers Writer Chris Bradford gives you the recap: kAmkDEC@?8m%p{zx}v !~x}%$k^DEC@?8mk^Am kAmY %@>=:? :D H6== 2H2C6 @7 E96 A2C:EJ 2C@F?5 E96 =628F6 2?5 :? E96 5:G:D:@?[ 96 24 H6’C6 :?[” 96 D2:5] “(6’C6 :? E96 E9:4< @7 E92E] x7 H6 5@ H92E H6 ?665 E@ 5@[ :E’D ?@E 8@:?8 E@ 36 C6BF:C65 E@ =@@< 2C@F?5]”k^Am kAmY #q sC: pC496C 4@F=5 36 :? =:?6 7@C 2? 6IA2?565 C@=6 :? E96 @776?D6 \\ “x’> DFC6 96’5 36 6I4:E65 23@FE E92E[” %@>=:? D2:5 \\ 3FE 9:D 4@249 H@F=5?’E D2J 9@H >F49 :7 2E 2== 96’== 36 FD65 E9:D H66<] w@H pC496C :D 56A=@J65 H:== “56A6?5 @? 82>6 4:C4F>DE2?46 2?5 9@H H6 49@@D6 E@ 2EE24< WE96 $2:?EDX 2?5 9@H {6’'6@? Wq6==X :D 5@:?8[” %@>=:? 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A’s trade Donaldson to Blue Jays for four players

Susan Slusse, San Francisco Chronicle By Susan Slusser Updated 11:21 pm, Friday, November 28, 2014 Photo: Scott Strazzante / The Chronicle Image 1/7 gallery_thumbnails_show|article-gallery-5924047|article-gallery-5924047|0 gallery_overlay_open|article-gallery-5924047|article-gallery-5924047|0 gallery_overlay_open_thumbs|article-gallery-5924047|article-gallery-5924047|0 Image 1 of 7 Photo: Scott Strazzante / The Chronicle Josh Donaldson was one of the A’s top sluggers during the past three seasons. Josh Donaldson was one of the A’s top sluggers during the past... Image 2 of 7 Photo: Charlie Neibergall / Associated Press Third baseman Brett Lawrie is among four players the A’s acquired. Third baseman Brett Lawrie is among four players the A’s acquired. Image 3 of 7 Photo: Beck Diefenbach, Special To The Chronicle Oakland Athletics third baseman Josh Donaldson throws to first base for an out during the first inning of his baseball game against the San Francisco Giants on Wednesday, July 9, 2014 in San Francisco, Calif. Oakland Athletics third baseman Josh Donaldson throws to first base... Image 4 of 7 Photo: Carlos Avila Gonzalez, The Chronicle A's third baseman Josh Donaldson high fives fans as he is introduced before the game against the Indians on Monday. The Oakland Athletics played the Cleveland Indians at Coliseum in Oakland, Calif., on Monday, March 31, 2014. The A's lost their home opener 2-0 to the Indians A's third baseman Josh Donaldson high fives fans as he is... Image 5 of 7 Photo: Kevin N. Hume, The Chronicle Josh Donaldson was named to the American League All-Star Team on Sunday as the A's take the four-game series against the Toronto Blue Jays, winning 4-2 on Sunday, July 6, 2014 in Oakland, Calif. Josh Donaldson was named to the American League All-Star Team on... Image 6 of 7 Photo: Scott Strazzante, The Chronicle Oakland Athletics' Josh Donaldson singles in 6th inning against Philadelphia Phillies during MLB game at Coliseum in Oakland, Calif. on Sunday, September 21, 2014. Oakland Athletics' Josh Donaldson singles in 6th inning against... Image 7 of 7 Photo: Brant Ward, San Francisco Chronicle Josh Donaldson (20) celebrated with teammates after his 6th inning home run scored two. The Oakland Athletics defeated the San Francisco Giants 6-1 in the last game of the Bay Bridge series Thursday July 10, 2014 at AT&T park. Josh Donaldson (20) celebrated with teammates after his 6th inning... A’s trade Donaldson to Blue Jays for four players gallery_overlay_close|article-gallery-5924047|article-gallery-5924047|0 Back to Gallery gallery_thumbs_close|article-gallery-5924047|article-gallery-5924047|0 It seems almost unthinkable, but on Friday the A’s dealt away their best player, All-Star and MVP candidate Josh Donaldson, sending their No. 3 hitter to Toronto for infielder Brett Lawrie, shortstop Franklin Barreto and pitchers Kendall Graveman and Sean Nolin. “I’m so shocked,” Donaldson said by phone. “I just got off the phone with Billy Beane, and I guess they got an offer that they couldn’t resist. I’m definitely a little emotional about it. Oakland is my home. “The most important thing is that Billy gave me an opportunity to be on that team, and I am very grateful for that, and for all the fan support I’ve had. I’m so glad to have been a part of that. But at the end of the day, it’s a business, as much as it hurts emotionally. The guys in that clubhouse are my brothers. The coaches are my father figures.” Beane, the A’s general manager, said on a conference call that the A’s were adamant they would not deal Donaldson when Toronto called, but Blue Jays GM Alex Anthopoulos was persistent and finally had enough parts in the deal to get it done. Over the past two years, Donaldson’s WAR (wins above replacement) has been second only to Mike Trout’s in baseball, but Beane said that the A’s felt that after finishing 11 games behind the Angels and barely holding off the Mariners in the wild-card race — and looking at losing free-agent shortstop Jed Lowrie, starter Jon Lester and reliever Luke Gregerson — they needed to make a move “that wasn’t timid and got us into a position to get better every day, rather than one that was maybe starting to deteriorate.” The A’s do have a major need at shortstop with Lowrie possibly leaving and with top prospect Addison Russell traded to the Cubs in July. Barreto, 18, is several years away, but “he’s a hell of a hitter,” one scout said, saying Barreto could be a Rafael Furcal-type player. Beane said the A’s believe Barreto to be one of the best prospects in the minors. The Venezuelan hit .311 with six home runs, 61 RBIs and 29 stolen bases in 73 games with short-season Class-A Vancouver. Lawrie is a third baseman, and one American League exec called him Gold Glove caliber at the position and an “explosive offensive player — when he’s healthy.” That’s been the biggest issue. Lawrie has had three oblique strains in three seasons, as well as a broken finger that cost him time last season. Graveman is a potential fifth starter, one scout said, and Nolin, a left-hander with a plus-changeup, could be a very nice bullpen pickup, the exec said, though Beane said that the A’s are looking at him as a starter. Donaldson turns 29 the week after next, and he was a super-two player this year, meaning he was going to arbitration a year early, and he was going to start to get expensive. Lawrie also is entering arbitration for the first time, but after three years of service time. He will turn 25 in January, so is four years younger than Donaldson, which is not insignificant. If the A’s can keep him on the field, he should just be entering his prime. With Donaldson — a terrific story when he converted from catcher to third base to start the season in 2012 — the A’s have gone to the postseason three years in a row. “We’ve had so much success, it’s going to be difficult to leave, but when you’re with Oakland, you understand that this day is eventually going to happen,” Donaldson said. For his teammates, though, it’s tough to see an everyday player — one who was on the field despite numerous injuries down the stretch — head elsewhere. “It doesn’t make sense to me,” outfielder Josh Reddick said. “We traded our best player the past two years. It seems like we’re going into a rebuilding drive. “It’s sad any time you see your best player go, not just as a player but as a person. And he’s our three-hole hitter and best defensive player. He was big for our team.” Starter Jeff Samardzija could also be dealt. The A’s still need a shortstop, and 10 teams have expressed interest, including the Red Sox and the White Sox. To clear spots on the 40-man roster, the A’s designated right-handed pitcher Josh Lindblom and first baseman Kyle Blanks for assignment. Susan Slusser is a San Francisco Chronicle staff writer. E-mail: Twitter: @susanslusser. Trading places Career stats for Josh Donaldson and Brett Lawrie, both of whom have spent parts of four seasons in the majors: Donaldson Stat Lawrie 405 Games 345 63 Home runs 43 228 RBIs 157 .268 Average .265 313 Strikeouts 234 168 Walks 95

Governor attempting to set up conference call with legislative leaders on security in St. Louis area

Nixon Nixon St. Louis – Today, Governor Nixon reached out for the first time since the rioting began in August to legislative leaders with a text message attempting to set up a conference call to “provide an update on Ferguson and the security of the [St. Louis] region. He would also like to discuss the cost of national guard and Hwy patrol providing security for the region, the availability of resources to satisfy those obligations, and the potential necessity for a special session to address any shortfalls in spending authority.” The move is not being met with a warm response from legislative leadership, as this is the first communication from his office since the unrest in St. Louis, especially since it is an attempt to solicit increased funding without keeping them informed of the situation over the past four months. The Missouri Times has seen two versions of the text message and has spoken with one legislator invited. One legislator who was invited to be on the call commented to The Missouri Times, “It’s unbelievable that he hasn’t spoken with legislative leaders over the past four months about this, and now wants to drag us into the debacle he created to try and mask his blunders – unbelievable.” Nixon has been under scrutiny over his communication with local officials, including the Mayor of Ferguson, who claims the Governor hasn’t spoken to him in weeks, and for not deploying the National Guard immediately to prevent the looting and burning of local business Ferguson and Dellwood. The Governor’s office did not immediately return calls for comment. UPDATED (8:15 p.m.): The Missouri Times has learned that the Missouri National Guard will be over budget and unable to make payroll by the middle of December. The Guard will need more money to continue to provide security in the Ferguson area due to the riots. While various lawmakers we have talked to will support the Guard, they have little faith in the governor’s ability to manage the crisis and will require short-term contingencies on how funds will be used. We reached out to Speaker-elect John Diehl (R-Town and Country) and he provided the following statement. Diehl Diehl “I believe both parties in the legislature are committed to ensuring the men and women in law enforcement and in the national guard are fully compensated for their service in protecting our communities during this unrest,” Diehl said. “Since the crisis in Ferguson began we have had little to no communication from governor Nixon . Even the mayors of those cities being overrun by looters and vandals calls go unanswered by the Governor Nixon. Without consultation or communication the Governor Nixon has spent millions of taxpayers dollars while making poor decisions impacting the safety of our communities. Tonight the governor finally is willing to communicate for the purpose of requesting more taxpayer money. Governor Nixon and has yet to provide us with a written plan and has not provided basic answers to the decisions that have put us in this situation “It is time Governor Nixon to come forward and provide answers,” Diehl continued. “We are open to a special session to address this crisis, but we will expect governor Nixon and his staff to come forward with a written and responsible plan. We also expect Governor Nixon and those on his staff that made decisions during this crisis to come forward and appear before the legislature. It is time for an accounting and for leadership that will not only communicate but work with the legislature to solve this crisis. UPDATED (8:30 p.m.): Gov. Nixon has called a special legislative session to address the funding issues regarding the Missouri National Guard. The date has not yet been announced. In a call with legislative leaders tonight, the Governor emphasized the importance of taking action quickly to ensure that Guard members are paid on December 15. Additional details regarding the timing and scope of the special session will be released in the coming days. The Fiscal Year 2015 state budget approved by the legislature included $4 million for National Guard state emergency duty response costs and $3.4 million for the State Emergency Management Agency (SEMA) for expenses incurred by state agencies, including the Highway Patrol, in responding to disasters and emergencies between July 1, 2014 and June 30, 2015. “This was a productive discussion,” said Gov. Nixon regarding tonight’s call with legislators. “It’s clear these legislators share our commitment to public safety and understand the need for prompt action. I look forward to working with legislators in the coming days to ensure these vital resources are available.” The 98th General Assembly is set to reconvene at the beginning of January for regular session – less than 6 weeks away. Nixon has called 3 special sessions since his election in 2008. UPDATED (9:00 p.m.): ”We will do whatever is necessary to support the Guard and the Highway Patrol,” Senate Budget Chairman Kurt Schaefer (R-Columbia) said. “As part of that process the Governor will need to tell us how he’s already spent the $19 million we gave him for emergencies and how much more money he anticipates needing. This evening’s call was the first we’ve heard from the Governor on this issue. I look forward to seeing what his proposal is.”