Google on Tuesday finally launched its Calendar app for iPhone. Last month, while announcing changes to the Google Calendar for Android, the company had noted the iPhone app was in development.
Google Calendar (version 1.0.2) for iPhone is available on App Store for devices running iOS 7.0 and higher versions. Just like the new Google Calendar on Android, the iPhone app can automatically turn emails into Calendar events. So if you get an email with place, time, date (not as attachment) then the Google Calendar saves it as event entry to remind you later. Users can also disable the feature.
Other than that, Google Calendar on iPhone also brings 'Assists', which make suggestions to save the user's time in creating events, and also the new Schedule View (for one day, three days and a week).
Last month, Google had updated the Calendar app for Android based on users' feedback. The updated Google Calendar changes included pinch-to-zoom and a 'Week' view along with '3 Day' and 'Day' view, which was earlier '5 Day' and 'Day' only. Additionally, the app added the ability to add Google Drive files to events, and even open them inside the app. Users can also control birthdays from Google+ that are shown in settings. Other changes included "a new option to show week numbers in settings," and "import .ics files sent to you in Gmail and other apps."
Meanwhile on Tuesday, Google released a new app named Interactive Events on Google Play. The app is still in the works and is currently in the dogfooding stage.
Google Calendar App Now Available to iPhone Users
PHOTO: On March 10, 2015, Google announced the release of a new Google Calendar app for the iPhone. On March 10, 2015, Google announced the release of a new Google Calendar app for the iPhone. Google/iTunes
Google's gorgeous calendar app is ready to take over your iPhone.
The search engine giant released a version of its calendar app for iOS users today -- months after it debuted an Android version.
Boasting a colorful palette in line with the company's clean, boxy "material design" aesthetic, the Google Calendar app is designed to work with all of the existing calendars set up on a user's iPhone.
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PHOTO: On March 10, 2015, Google announced the release of a new Google Calendar app for the iPhone. Google/iTunes PHOTO: On March 10, 2015, Google announced the release of a new Google Calendar app for the iPhone.
What makes it stand out from other organizational tools is the ability to automatically turn Gmail emails into events that can be saved on a calendar. Assists can also suggest people, places and contacts when a user is entering something into their calendar -- making it easy to plan dinner with a group of friends.
The app also offers schedule view, which gives iPhone users a beautiful way to scan their schedule -- whether it's a snapshot of the day or a weekly outlook.
Google Calendar for iPhone Now Available
Article Comments
Mar 10, 2015, 12:18 PM by Eric M. Zeman @phonescooperupdated Mar 10, 2015, 12:19 PM
Updated: typo
Google today released a version of its calendar application for iOS devices. The app includes features such as Assists to help schedule regularly-occurring meetings, as well as Schedule View to make it easier to glean daily schedule details in a glance. The app integrates with Google Apps for Work, too, so companies can manage the app if need be. Google Calendar for iOS is free to download from the iTunes App Store.
more info at Google »
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